
C. Collins, C. Hartman, H. Sklar,
"Divided Decade: Economic Disparity at the Century's Turn",
United for a Fair Economy, 12-15-1999.



1) According to the authors of "Divided Decade:...", the quarter-century immediately after World War II was a very different family story than the last quarter-century. What was the difference? Explain.

2) Red Ink? What are the authors talking about?

3) "A worker who earned $25,000 in 1994 would earn $138,350 today if their pay had grown as fast as the average CEO,.." What do you see when your view is from the "upper deck"?

4) After reviewing the Wages and Salaries from the period of 1973-1997, would you say it makes ($$$) sense ($$$) to go to college? Explain.

5) Someone once said: "Be Happy Don't Worry"!  The author's suggest that the "Wealth Gap" does matter and "Asset-Building" policies should be given a high priority? Explain.

*   If you find this topic interesting, you may want to read the following:
"The Golden Age"           &            "The Age of Anxiety"

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